Purpose of the Study

The Central Avenue West Corridor Study will examine the existing transportation and land use conditions in this corridor with the intention of identifying opportunities for development, redevelopment, and improvements to multimodal safety and mobility.

Opportunities to provide additional safe pedestrian crossings and other Complete Streets treatments will be identified. Conceptual land use and transportation scenarios will be developed and shared with the public and with an appointed committee for feedback. The project will conclude with the development of a preferred corridor concept and related implementation plan.



Facilitate opportunities for nodal development + redevelopment

Spur economic activity

Improve access management


(preliminary elements)

  • Create more mixed use, pedestrian friendly corridor

  • Encourage development activity in key areas

  • Increase transit bike and pedestrian travel

Improve safety + mobility for all roadway users, including drivers, pedestrians, cyclists, + transit users

Study Advisory Committee

  • Audrey Burneson, NYS DOT - Region 1, Planner

  • Celeste Harp, NYS DOT - Region 1, Planner

  • Emily Loughlin, CDTA, Planner

  • Ethan Warren, CDTA, Planner

  • Hannah Curran, Village of Colonie, Deputy Village Clerk

  • Joseph Peregrim, Town of Colonie, Assistant Engineer DPW

  • Kathy Casey, American Association of the Blind, 1st Vice President

  • Robbie MacCue, Town of Colonie, EMS - Assistant Chief

  • Tom Breslin, Town of Colonie, Police - Safety Officer

  • Tom Romano, Town of Colonie, PW - Operation Supervisor

Project Team

  • Phil Shaeffing, Stantec Urban Places, Project Manager

  • Matthew Roe, Stantec Urban Places, Project Support

  • Andrew Tracy, Capital Region Transportation Council, Senior Transportation Engineer

  • Rima Shamieh, Capital Region Transportation Council, Transportation Planner

  • Andris Blumbergs, Town of Colonie, Senior Planner/Acting Planning Director

  • Lauren Dryburgh, Town of Colonie, Planner

  • Audrey Burneson, NYS DOT Region 1, Planner

  • Liz Podowski King, Highland Planning, Engagement Manager

  • Nora Culhane Friedel, Highland Planning, Engagement Support


*further documents will be added as available